Refueling the Italgres vision in Cersaie 2017

Bolonia, Italia

“Ceramics is breaking away from its traditional format to become something new; Developments in technology and design are projecting this material into the future as part of a process of constant metamorphosis” Fabrizio Mariani, Enrico Montecchi – Cersaie 2017

The world of ceramics is complex beautiful and ever evolving. That is why we love it.

Throughout this week we’ll be in Bologna for Cersaie 2017, the biggest ceramics even in Europe and our favorite event of the year.

We always look forward to coming here and seeing how this industry grows in leaps and bounds, molding this material in the most beautiful, intricate and original designs.

Italy is at the vanguard of innovation when it comes to tiles and this year is no different. In the pictures below you’ll see some of our favorite designs so far. From unique patterns and textures to amazing finishes with undulating reliefs. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.


Ready to take it a step further? Let’s start talking about your project or idea and find out how we can help you.


Showroom Principal

2003 NW 72 Ave.
Miami, Florida 33122
Phone: 305 599 0002