Special pieces for a perfect finish

Banner Special Finishing for Special Pieces Italgres

Sometimes, simple decisions on how to finish the edges in shower niches and benches can become complex when aiming for a flawless result.

It is crucial to finalize all the small details to ensure that the end result is completely perfect and safe.

Although mitering the pieces often provides an excellent finish, it may pose a risk due to the sharpness of the edges. At Italgres, we are very attentive to those details and collaborate closely with Italian and Spanish manufacturers who create special pieces for both edges and corners in high-risk areas of showers or humid spaces.

Remember that meticulous attention to every aspect of the project will guarantee not only aesthetic perfection but also safety in every corner of your space


Ready to take it a step further? Let’s start talking about your project or idea and find out how we can help you.


Showroom Principal

2003 NW 72 Ave.
Miami, Florida 33122
Phone: 305 599 0002