Hotel Palihouse Miami Beach


Miami Beach, Florida

Recently the brand of luxury hotels / boutique “Palisociety”, has inaugurated the Palihouse Miami Beach hotel, the first on the East Coast and have relied on Italgres for the design of this, being a restored building Art Deco style.

The foyer has a relaxed atmosphere, thanks to the magnificent lighting that contrasts with the turquoise color of the walls and the warmth of the wood present in the reception counter.

The Turgis Multicolour Octagon collection in 8 “x8” format was chosen for the flooring of the rooms, together with personalised colour studs. This choice fits perfectly with the warm, homey style that is breathed throughout the hotel, combined with the beauty and endurance of this collection.

The rooms feature small, retro-style kitchens that take you back to the 1940s, with a 4 “x4” siding that fits the vintage style breathed throughout the hotel. These tiles have also been used on the walls of the showers.


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Showroom Principal

2003 NW 72 Ave.
Miami, Florida 33122
Phone: 305 599 0002